COCIS/COBAMS Sub-Procurement and Disposal Unit gets a New Procurement Officer
Following the ongoing transfers of PDU staff, Mr. Steven Byarugaba who has been the Procurement Officer of COCIS/COBAMS SPDU, was transferred to CHS/COVAB SPDU effective from 1st July 2023. Mr. David Ikomo who has been the Procurement Officer of CEDAT/CONAS SPDU will be taking over from Mr. Steven.

The handover ceremony took place on 07th July 2023, at the COCIS Block A, level 4 Conference Room, where different stakeholders of both colleges graced the ceremony, these included Assoc. Prof. Eria Hisali Principal COBAMS, Dr. Peter Nabende Ag. Deputy Principal COCIS, College Bursars of both colleges, Procurement Committee members of the COCIS/COBAMS SPDU, and University Auditor among other COCIS/COBAMS stakeholders.

Mr. Steven was praised for being flexible in all ways and committed to his work which steered the smooth running of the procurement process in COCIS/COBAMS SPDU. These include timely;
Procurement of equipment on time.
Facility maintenance works timely.
Timely communication with the suppliers, among many others.
“There has never been any challenge with Auditor’s reports and all the procurement processes because of Mr. Steven’s professional way of handling work”. Assoc. Prof. Eria Hisali.

Mr. Steven was also thanked for having changed how procurement processes used to be taken as black spots, where projects hit a dead rock and hence hinder the project’s timely delivery and completion. To him, it was a different story where all project procurement processes were delivered on time. This was witnessed by Ms. Dorah Bampangana the Grants Officer COCIS.

Mr. Steven thanked all the stakeholders of both colleges for having worked with him and for the support accorded to him, mostly the College Principal and all the members of 2 colleges.
In his remarks, Mr. David Ikomo said he was ready to cooperate with all the stakeholders of the SPDU and deliver his duties as required.

All members present welcomed Mr. Ikomo and promised to render him the necessary support he may need in order to foster the development and growth of Makerere University.
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