COCIS Non-Teaching staff skilled on Performance Management & Appraisal, PR and Team building

Over 50 Non-Teaching staff from the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS) were on 12th May 2023 retooled on different aspects including Performance Management and Appraisal, Public Relations, Customer care, Team building and Communication.
The training which brought together administrative, support and contract staff was officially opened by the Principal CoCIS and closed by the Ag. Director, Directorate of Human Resources Makerere University, Mr Lawrence Sanyu.
It was facilitated by officials from the Makerere University Directorate of Human Resources and the Public Relations office. Facilitators included the Ag. Manager Performance Management and Appraisal Mr Deus Tayari Mujuni, the Technical person in charge of the e-HRMS system Mr Joshua Muhumuza, the Ag. Manager Staff Development, Welfare and Retirement Benefits Division Mr Julius Lebo and the University’s Principal Public Relations Officer Ms Ritah Namisango.
The appraisal is a must for staff to benefit from the University- Ag. Director HR

The Ag. Director, Directorate of Human Resources Makerere University, Mr Lawrence Sanyu commended the college management for organising the training. Mr Sanyu told staff that although they had qualifications at the time of recruitment, they have to be retooled and evaluated to ascertain whether the reasons for which they were employed are still being realised.
“We are doing appraisal not to punish anyone, but to evaluate and see whether we are still meeting the organisational objectives.” The Ag. Director said adding that appraisals are not only meant for confirmation, promotion and contract renewals.
“If you do not appraise yourself, it affects all the benefits you are supposed to get from the university including salary. The reasons why people are not doing these appraisals could be they are doing something different from what they were recruited to do”, Mr Sanyu explained.
He implored staff, to update their information on the portal saying, the appraisals are now done online and that the portal has been kept open because the online systems have just been introduced so that everyone can participate.

The Ag. Director stressed the importance of good customer care service especially, the care of students on the grounds that they are the reason the university exists. Mr. Sanyu told staff that every job in the university is related to students whether one is a cleaner, a custodian or a lecturer.
“You are very important in your capacity and without you, the university suffers. And since you are critical, you must make sure you do your work as expected and be happy you are in that position.”, Mr Sanyu advised and urged staff to desist from despising their jobs on the reason that the same jobs earn them fees for their children and food on their tables.
Sanyu emphasised teamwork as a cornerstone to achieving organisational goals saying, the reason staff should work together is not that they like one another but to work towards the University’s main goal.
See the presentation attached.
Uphold the Basic Values and Ethics-CoCIS Principal
In his opening address, the Principal CoCIS Prof. Tonny Oyana implored staff to uphold basic values and work ethics.
“You must be dedicated to your work. A good worker has ethics and discipline. When someone gives you money, s(h)e expects a return on that investment. As workers, you are expected to exhibit traditional and basic values such as good time management, respect for colleagues and those in authority”. Prof. Oyana stated
Describing values as critical in making a working environment conducive, Prof. Oyana reminded staff that Africans have some traditional values, some of them very basic such as being polite, greeting and welcoming people.
“The thing that separates us from other animals is intelligence and conscience. The greeting is the basic entry point for a conversation and a way to relate”, the Principal explained and cautioned workers who come and leave early and those that cannot perform beyond their expectations.
Prof. Oyana pledged to make sure that the welfare of staff is taken care of and later led the meeting into a discussion about what was not going on well in the college for collective feedback and solutions.
Aspects of the training
Performance Management and Appraisal important

The Ag. Manager Performance Management and Appraisal Mr. Deus Tayari Mujuni presented on the aspect of Performance Management and Appraisal wherein he handled different aspects including Performance Management, Goal setting, the role of the Appraiser and Appraisee and the importance of Performance Appraisal.
Mr Mujuni told staff that the performance appraisal cycle starts with a plan in December of the calendar year based on the mission, vision and strategic objectives and goals.
In addition to measuring and improving the performance of employees and increasing their future potential and value to the university, Mr Mujuni said staff performance appraisal helps individuals learn how well they are doing over a period of time.
“It facilitates promotion decisions and makes it easier to ensure that vacant positions are filled by most capable individuals”.
Makerere University according to Mr Mujuni uses the Performance Appraisal key tool for deciding employee promotion, determining transfers, making termination decisions and identifying training needs.
It is also used to identify skills and competence deficits, provide employee feedback, and, determine reward allocation.
“Whatever the college achieves, it cascades to the school, department and the individual. Every person has a contribution to the achievement of the college and university strategic goals. Every morning, you must have a plan and at the end of the year you contribute to the plan of the college and university.” Mujuni said.
The Technical person in charge of the e-HRMS Mr. Joshua Muhumuza conducted the practical session on filling the Performance Appraisal tool,
Details of this presentation are attached.Performance appraisal presentation-2023- CoCIS
Every University Employee Contributes to the Image of the University – Mak Publicist
Presenting on Public Relations, International Relations, and Effective Customer Care services, the Principal Public Relations Officer at Makerere University, Ms Ritah Namisango emphasised that the primary stakeholder in the university is the student.
Overall, Namisango emphasised that every university employee has a role to play when it comes to Public relations and effective customer care.
“The way you dress and appear, your attitude and behaviour towards students, colleagues, those in authority and visitors are what makes the image of this university”, Ms Namisango said.
Namisango handled different aspects including customer care, challenges faced in Public Relations, Customer care and how to overcome them, the importance of good Public relations, and customer care services in an organisation.
Namisango cautioned staff against idle talk and gossiping and always to seek guidance from relevant offices in case they face challenges. She also asked staff to support the PR and Communication offices, especially by providing information for university reports, websites and profiles.
For details see attached presentation. PR Interpersonal Relations and Customer Care.docx
Be in the solution department and NOT the Problem Department – Julius Lebo

Presenting on Team Building and Effective Communication, the Ag. Manager Staff Development, Welfare and Retirement Benefits Division Mr Julius Lebo explained that effective team building and communication is about building consensus for the institution’s good.
“Even if you disagree, continue working. We enjoy being in the problem department but we should be in the solution department to help the institution move forward.”, Mr. Lebo advised.
He called upon the staff to work collaborative as a team no matter whether they are friends or not for the good of the university.
“Disagree to agree and focus on your work. I do not have to like you to work with you. Liking is a bonus. It is not under any law to like anyone. Focus on what brought you to the university”, Mr Lebo advised.
Mr Lebo’s Presentation is attached. Effective Teamwork and Communication
Compiled by
Jane Anyango
Principal Communication Officer, CoCIS.