CoCIS Celebrates Noble research and Innovations as part of Mak@100
Makerere University College of Computing and Information Science (CoCIS) on 30th September 2021 exhibited some of her novel research projects, technologies, and innovations as part of the activities to commemorate the centennial celebrations of Makerere University.
The college also held a public lecture and Alumni Dinner on the theme, “The Future of Computing and Information Sciences/ Services”. The event was organized by a committee under the leadership of Ms. Dorah Bampangana and Dr. John Ngubiri.
The open day showcased research and innovation products of students in 10 fields, including artificial intelligence, health, virtual reality, finance, agriculture, and others. The ‘AirQo’, one of the innovations exhibited, provides low-cost air monitors to empower communities to advance air quality management. This device has already been installed in many Ugandan municipalities and in at least 25 cities in 10 African countries.
Highlights of the innovations
Automated mobile microscopy diagnosis of Malaria

A demonstration of the ‘Automated mobile microscopy diagnosis’ showed how medical lab technicians can be relieved of the burden of overwork. While a lab technician is advised to not exceed 20 samples in a day, this method which involves an app and smartphone attached to a microscope allows for very many samples to be taken and analyzed in a day. Secondly, it allows for easy transmission of the analysis to the doctor wherever they may be.
The 3D Animation walk through the project
The ‘3D animation walk-through project’ will greatly improve the delivery of science concepts in education, and support commercial advertising, architecture, and medical animation for medical sciences training. The innovation also enables virtual shopping from anywhere.
The smart bee hive for beekeepers to monitor the health and behavior of bees

The ‘smart bee monitor’ enables a farmer to monitor the behavior and health of their bees from the comfort of their home or anywhere. It uses the internet of things (IoT) technology to monitor the temperature, weight, carbon dioxide, and humidity of the beehive. It is solar-powered and uses sensors. By delivering the bee sounds, images, and videos, the system can give the farmer notification of pest invasion, disease infestation, disruptions caused by pollution, hive strength, and opportune time to harvest the honey.
Tool for fraud detection in mobile money transactions
The ‘Automated fraud detection in mobile money transaction using machine learning’ creates a virtual financial ecosystem, creates fraud groups relying on police information to study the behavior and locations of fraudsters, follow them inside and outside their groups and trap them, among others. Though the system is still being developed, it is already being sought by banks, insurance companies, microfinance, and Saccos to help them deal with the vices of fraud and insider-dealing crimes.
Device for the blind to move without the aid

The ‘Computer vision and sonification for the blind’ innovation will save blind people the need to have a human aide all the time. Using artificial intelligence, sensors placed on the chest and toes of a blind person help to know an obstacle. The system gives audio instructions on what to do, which direction to turn, and even tells the person what object is located where within the vicinity.
AI app to identify and deter birds from cereal farms
The ‘Artificial intelligence-based approach to identify and deter birds from cereal crop farms’ is a great Hitech scarecrow that birds cannot get used to and beat. It detects birds at a radius of 500 meters and makes a scary noise of a kite, an eagle, cock, or a human being. The system has a camera, a voice recorder, and a siren. It uses an algorithm to keep changing the noise so that the birds do not get familiar and apply contempt.
Virtual reality for medical health training
The ‘Virtual reality for medical health training for infectious diseases’ provides a safe and comprehensive virtual classroom, clinical lab, and medical ward and instructor communication. The system enables an instructor to train many people at a go without the possibility of infecting them. The trainee can learn from anywhere of convenience
Boldungu Mobile App for primary children improve performance in Mathematics

A designed a mobile application code-named Boldungu to make primary school pupils enjoy and improve their performance in Mathematics by themselves using a mobile phone to practice and revise different questions. The tool helps learners practice mathematics by providing a collection of questions, answers, and explanations of concepts and methods. The goal is to build confidence, and excellence in Mathematics and unlock dreams
Compiled by;
Jane Anyango
Principal Communication Officer, CoCIS