Title: Dean – School of Computing and Information Technology (SCIT), Senior Lecturer

Highest Qualification: PhD

Awarding institution(s): University of Cape Town

Area of specialisation: Software Development, Systems Analysis and Design, Software Sizing & Estimation, Requirements engineering, Strategic Project Management, Business Intelligence.


Office Hours: 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Website: www.cocis.mak.ac.ug/scit/

Profile Summary

Joseph has over 10 years experience in systems analysis and design and over 1.5 years in Information Management. As a systems analyst, he is continuously researching value-based software engineering methodologies that lead to project optimization, for maximum return on investment on a given IT project; thus aspiring to be an expert in project optimization from all angles of the software development lifecycle.

Joseph has authored various peer-reviewed international conference papers within the area of value-based software engineering.


  • Project strategies,
  • Systems Analysis and Design,
  • Software Sizing & Estimation,
  • Requirements engineering,
  • Strategic Project Management,
    Business Intelligence